Homework Information

Homework Information
The fourth grade homework policy recommends between 30-45 minutes of written homework a night. Your child will also be required to read at least 20 minutes a night and complete a reading log, which is due on Fridays.  Please make sure to review their weekly reading log on Thursday night and sign it so it is ready to be turned in on Friday.  

Having homework assignments turned in on time is your child’s responsibility. He/she will not be allowed to call home for things forgotten at home. Please do not feel pressured to drive forgotten items to school. Assignments not brought in on time by the student will be considered late. Late assignments should be turned in the next day. If a student repeatedly forgets their homework then they will stay in for recess to complete the missing assignments.

Typical Night of Homework

Math activity to reinforce the day’s lesson
Read for 20 minutes and fill in reading log (due on Fridays)
Study math facts (multiplication) for 5-10 minutes
Spelling/Language Arts packet 

Occasionally students will receive a writing/science/social studies assignment

Book reports and other projects will also be given every couple of months.  

Homework Folders

          Your child has a 2-pocket folder to use along with an assignment book. This is used to keep track of homework that needs to be completed and returned. It is also used for any additional papers that need to be sent home.  Students should be writing their homework down every day in their assignment books and referring to it nightly.  It is the student’s responsibility to keep track of their nightly homework!